Celosvetové údaje o ischemickej cievnej mozgovej príhody (mozgová porážka- CMP) sú hrozivé. Každý rok približne 13,67 miliónov pacientov dostane mozgovú porážku, z nich 20 až 30 % sú v dôsledku uzávery veľkej vnutromozgovej tepny (LVO). Pre liečbu uzávery veľkej vnútromozgovej tepny je vhodné takzvané mechanické odstránenie prekážky (trombu) – mechanická trombektómia (MT).
Táto nová, vysoko efektívna metóda liečby (od r. 2015) sa realizuje v tých najťažších prípadoch mozgovej porážky. Touto metódou vieme zvrátiť približne u 60 % pacientov ochrnutie, ak je vykonaná odborníkmi, a to do 6 hod. od vzniku symptómov CMP. Momentálne len 10 % pacientov s CMP podstúpi túto liečbu. Z celosvetového meradla ročne približne 2 milióny pacientov nedostanú túto liečbu.
Iniciatíva americkej odbornej spoločnosti neurológov a intervenčných rádiológov SVIN (Society of Vascular and Intterventional Neurology) – MT 2020 ( Mission Thrombectomy) smeruje k spopularizovaniu tejto inovatívnej liečby v očiach odbornej i laickej verejnosti Spoločnosť SVIN založila na 6 kontinentoch 82 regionálne výbory iniciatívy, vrátane Slovenskej republiky. Cieľom tejto iniciatívy je súčasných 100 000 mechanických trombektómii zvýšiť na 202 000 do konca roka 2020.
Silvia dostala v mladom veku mozgovú príhodu a bojovala o život. Zachránila ju trombektómia
Trombektómia je chirurgické odstránenie trombusu (krvnej zrazeniny) z cievy.
Výbor je zastúpený primármi Neurologického oddelenia a Radiologickej kliniky FN Trnava – MUDr. Georgi Krastev, PhD a MUDr. Andrej Klepanec, PhD, EBIR . Na pracoviskách komplexného cerebrovaskulárneho centra FN Trnava sa za rok 2019 vykonalo viac ako 200 mechanických trombektómie u pacientov s ťažkými CMP z Trnavského, Trenčianskeho aj Nitrianskeho krája. Fakultná nemocnica vďaka tomuto pracovisku má už tretiu zlatú medailu ANGELS, ktorá oceňuje liečbu cievnej mozgovej príhody.
Za regionálny výbor pre SR SVIN a MT 2020:
MUDr. Andrej Klepanec, PhD, EBIR
MUDr. Georgi Krastev, PhD
MUDr. Miroslav Mako
MUDr. Jozef Haring
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE on October 29th, 2020
A Global Push to Increase Awareness, Access, Action to Thrombectomy Care for Stroke Patients is Underway in SLOVAKIA
The Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology together with Slovakian MT2020 + Regional Committee will distribute a White Paper detailing their global initiative to reduce death and disability in stroke patients
TRNAVA ,SLOVAKIA – October 29, 2020 – MT2020 (Mission Thrombectomy), a global campaign of SVIN (Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology), has released “Mechanical Thrombectomy For Acute Stroke. Building Thrombectomy Systems of Care in Your Region: Why and How,” a White Paper targeted to health policymakers that examines the globally widespread in-accessibility to the highly effective treatment of Mechanical Thrombectomy (MT) surgery for acute stroke. The White Paper report calls for increased MT awareness, accessibility and action on a regional level throughout the world. As an intervention treatment administered within the first 24 hours of the onset of symptoms, it has been established to result in a better outcome. The report will be distributed on October 29th, coinciding with World Stroke Day.
The data on stroke patients and the level of care they receive are as follows, according to MT2020 data:
- Annually approximately 13.67 million people suffer from strokes worldwide
- Of that number, 20% – 30% of those cases are large vessel occlusion (LVO) strokes – which are eligible for MT treatment
- Yet, less than 10% of eligible LVO stroke patients receive this treatment
- Leaving approximately 2 million in need of MT not receiving it
The two main goals set forth by the MT2020 initiative and detailed in the report are:
- Doubling global access to MT treatments every two years for the next decade through public health interventions to increase MT access.
- Performing 202,000 MT procedures worldwide by the end of 2020
“Thrombectomy care isn’t widely accessible,” said Dr. Dileep Yavagal, MT2020+ Global Chair Past-President of SVIN. “We are calling on public health policymakers to increase physical, financial and diagnostic access to thrombectomy for LVO stroke patients.”
The White Paper also provides perspective on:
- Cost-effectiveness of patient care afforded by successful implementation of MT protocols
- Tracking metrics and analytics made available through the dedicated MT2020 Global Thrombectomy Tracking (GTT) app
- Educational tools for members of the community
- Training initiatives for EMS and healthcare professionals
- Building Thrombectomy systems in the community
- Improving inter-hospital transfers for MT patients
The White paper will be disseminated in all 6 continents by the 82 Regional Committees of MT2020. The long term goal is the emergence and wide availability of Mechanical Thrombectomy as the standard of care globally. While progress has been made since the formation of MT2020 in 2016, there is still an imminent need for continued efforts. To learn about MT2020 or to access the “Building Thrombectomy Systems of Care in Your Region: Why and How” report, please visit, https://missionthrombectomy2020.org
About Mission Thrombectomy 2020 (MT2020)
Mission Thrombectomy 2020 is a global health campaign, founded by the Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology (SVIN) in 2016, to accelerate access to the stroke thrombectomy surgery globally. The goal of MT2020 is to coalesce global public health efforts with a goal to double access to thrombectomy for stroke caused by large vessel occlusion (LVO) in the brain every two years. improve stroke care worldwide by increasing the rate of stroke thrombectomy for eligible patients from less than 100,000 procedures today to 202,000 annually by 2020 and thereby reducing global stroke disability. Stroke Thrombectomy, also known as Mechanical Thrombectomy, is the new highly effective standard of care that reverses paralysis from a stroke in over 60% of patients if done by experts within 6 hours of stroke symptoms. For further information about MT2020, please visit http://missionthrombectomy2020.org.
About SVIN
The Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology was created to achieve the highest level of care for patients through increased collaboration in scientific research and by educating young professionals and training young investigators. The Society also aims to provide opportunities to connect leaders in the field and provide a common ground for dialogue and creation of practice and safety standards. Our mission is to represent the advancement of interventional neurology as a field with the ultimate goal of improving clinical care and outcomes of patients with stroke and cerebrovascular diseases.
For further information about SVIN, please visit www.svin.org or find us on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.
For more information about MT2020, contact MUDr.Georgi Krastev, PhD georgi.krastev@fntt.sk alebo MUDr. Andrej Klepanec, PhD, EBIR Andrej.klepanec@fntt.sk
or Dileep Yavagal at dyavagal@med.miami.edu